Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bat Boy Seen Leaving Rumor Mill: PRE-CASTING??

(From assistant director Ruth Diaz)

It has come to my attention that there's a rumor going around that our summer production of "Bat Boy: The Musical" is pre-cast, and that there is no point in auditioning. This is simply not true.

The roles of Meredith and Shelley have been pre-cast--this is true. The production team has decided that honesty is the best policy, and therefore we have made it public on all audition notices that these two roles are pre-cast.

To make it perfectly clear, however: NONE of the other roles have been pre-cast, no one else has been promised a role, and the production team is open to any and all auditioners for any of the multitude of other roles in this production.

I hope that this goes part of the way in stopping this rumor before it gets out of hand. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this or any other issues about the production, please do not hesitate to e-mail us at .

Thank you.

-Ruth Diaz, assistant director

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